Source code for serializejson.plugins.module_name


    import module_name
except ModuleNotFoundError:

[docs]def XXX_serializejson(obj): """ Args: obj: the object to serialize. Return: (class, init_args, state,list_items ,dict_items,new_args) Variable length tuple with one to six elements. Only the first 'class' element is required, other are set to None by default. class(class or str): the class or function called for object creation you should use `obj.__class__` or string `""` init_args (tuple,dict or None): - tuple: positional arguments you want pass to `__init__()` or to the callable - dict : keysword arguments you want pass to `__init__()` or to the callable (take little more space) - None : if you don't want to call the `__init__()` but only `__new__()` when loading. state (None, dict or object): can be None, if the state is already restored calling `__init__()` list_items (list or None): list of items for class with list interface. dict_items (dict or None): dictionnary of items for class with dictionnary interface. new_args (tuple,dict or None): - tuple: positional arguments you want pass to `__new__()` methode. - dict : keysword arguments you want pass to `__new__()` methode. - None : if you don't want to call the `__init__()` but only `__new__()` when loading. Example: .. code-block:: python def tuple_from_XXX(obj): init_args = (obj.attribute_1,obj.attribute_3) state = {"attribute_3":obj.attribute_3} return (obj.__class__, init_args, state) """